FTMTrade is the functional consumer trading branch of a three-way conglomerate of some of the most respected and recognized corporate crypto trading firms on the planet. Through this unique relationship with Agenta Investment Management AB Corporation number: 556687-9994 Licence number: 58151, Cryptopay Limited Corporation number: 08730592 Licence number: 903017, and 1832 ASSET MANAGEMENT L.P. Corporation Number: 396345-4 Licence number: 30050, FTMTrade is not only able to access trading strategies and technologies from three unique systems that have perpetually proven themselves in the corporate trading world, but is also able to afford clients protection by three different financial regulatory commissions, namely Finansinspektionen - Sweden, Financial Conduct Authority - UK, Canadian Securities Administrators - Canada. In short, this affiliation represents outside, enforced oversight of client treatment, external Q&A to prevent pressurized sales and trading tactics, insured, segregated accounts, and full transparency and consent when discussing and executing strategies and transactions on the platform itself.
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